Biological drilling for 100% periimplant tissue maintenance:

Here you can see one positive factor for Bone Preservation around our implants because even the small details make huge differences. 

One of the reasons for early Marginal Bone Loss is the overheating during the osteotomy even with copious irrigation. 

The thin cortical bone around our implant will suffer the natural remodeling process in addition to extra bone loss for this reason (over heat).

Marginal Bone loss around our implants represent one of the challenges we are facing today. To avoid that issue accepted for a long period of time we assume that MBL should be controlled in order to preserve the original periimplant bone from day 1. 

In order achieve that we must understand which are the biological factors that will determine the remodeling process and final posititon of hard and soft tissue around our implants.

As periimplant bone loss has its own pattern and it has a multifactorial etiology the MBL starts especially the first year after implant placement and can progress or not depending on many factors.

By performing a super slow osteotomy 50 r.p.m with no irrigation*. 

we get 2 advantages; bone harvesting by burs self collectors & non overheating of cortical bone.

Some of the immediate factors that will determine the early or delayed MBL are:

  • Insufficient crestal width and defficient regeneration 
  • Non proper implant placement.
  • Overheating during osteotomy.
  • Cortical compression to achieve primary stability.

Some of the late factors that will determine the early or delayed MBL are:

  • Type of implant abutment connection.
  • Microgap-micromovement with hexternal or internal connections.
  • Excessive non occlusal forces transmitted to the supporting bone.
  • Soft tissue thickness around our rehabilitations.

And many others that will be mentioned in the Biologically Oriented Impantology Concept B.O.I.C. very soon available in Dental Surgery Channel®.

*In hard bone ( D1 / D2 ) 300 r.p.m maximum speed for the first drills until the last two drills that we will reduce up to 50 r.p.m with irrigation if needed.





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