Soft tissue management and grafting (10h)
In this Master Course divided in 5 parts we will learn all the aspects needed to understand the rationale of soft tissue grafting surgical decisions starting from Histology and finishing with the most challenging case.
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In this Master Course divided in 6 parts we will learn all the aspects needed to understand the rationale of soft tissue grafting surgical decisions starting from Histology and finishing with the most challenging case.
1. Histology: To understand the behavior of the tissues we must understand the biology that supports them. By understanding their behavior we will become more predictable and we will accept more difficult and challenging cases always supported by the most strict Literature.
2. Anatomy and Volume of different areas in the Soft Tissue Areas: By assuming the different areas of the Soft Tissue we will be able to predict the thickness and depth of our work depending on where we are.
3. What is Gingival Recession? The concept of Gingival Recession is described and the relationship with the Cement Enamel Junction and the importance of Biological Width Knowledge.
4. Reasons for Gingival Recession. By discovering the reason for GR, we will be able to treat the cause before or after in order to avoid relapse of our surgical work.
5. Types of Gingival Recessions and Classification. The second step of our Planning is determine What type of recession we have in order to predict CRT (complete root coverage) or PRC (partial root coverage)