Sinus lift Procedure has a very high rate of success when it is well performed, however it does not stay away from complications such as sinus artery bleeding, irregular floor of sinus, extra-thick lateral wall, intra sinusal septums that represent a risk for membrane perforation and are avoidable and easy to overcome.
Do you want to know how?
TRANS-CRESTAL APPROACH NOT OSTEOTOME TECHNIQUE to elevate the membrane from the floor of the sinus even with MINIMUM available bone in height so NO VERSAH BURS in this case has been performed.
Use the biological concepts in order to become predictable and avoid complications. The safe management of using specific instrumentation allows us to access the sinus in a minimally invasive way as well as avoid big flaps which are reason for inflammation and potential complications.
Reducing time and cost by reducing the number of visits being able to place the implant the same day of the sinus lift procedure even with minimum height requires a specific Implant macro design explained also in the Lecture.