In this last part of this Soft Tissue Management & Grafting Mastercourse we will learn all the different applications of Soft Tissue Grafting in order to improve our outcomes for long Term Success.
1-. Tunneling Technique in Lower Maxilla (important limitations for safe managament)
2-. Semilunar Coronally Advanced Flap from D. Tarnow for simple cases.
3-. Pinhole Technique & V.I.S.T.A technique as modified Tunneling.
4-. Free Gingival Graft for keratinized gingiva gain in orthodontic patient under a risk of gingival recession.
5-. Soft Tissue management in Implant Dentistry for long term success.
6-. Apically repositioned flap Vs Free Gingival Graft for gaining attached gingiva (KG).
7-. Emergence profile in the Aesthetic Zone with soft tissue grafting.
8-. Biomaterials to be used in Soft Tissue grafting. Biological Properties.