Immediate implant placement in posterior areas is a more and more often demanded technique by our patients.
This technique offers many advantages compared to the staged approach such as:
1-. Reduces the surgical times since we are placing the implant at the day of the extraction.
2-. Most of the time is performed flapless so the recovery time for the patient is very short or even absent.
3-. The amount of bone-loss is reduced since the periosteum attachment is maintained and the buccal plate is supported from day 1.
4-. This technique helps to keep the correct drilling path since the mesial and distal roots offer resistance to the drifting effect of the drills when the implant needs to be placed in the septum.
5-. ISQ values above 60 are not necessary as long as we are not immediate loading our fixture.
6-. Healing abutment is recommended to avoid soft tissue primary closure and excessive soft tissue management.
During this Surgical Video you will learn the technique step by step with all the surgical tips needed to avoid complications and achieve good primary stability for our implant.